Sex: Male
D.O.B.: 25.08.2014


... OFSPRING ...

Rocco’s 1st Conformation show AND 1st BOB!!!

Rocco’s 2nd BIF

Chasing Bunnies is his favorite activity!

Just about ready to get his 2nd Major!

  FCh XO Edymion SC

Pharaoh Hound Club of America Western Speciality
Select Dog - FCh XO Edymion SC
Huge congratulations Philip McClesky and Craig Wilkerson !
We are so proud of you !

Rocco’s 1st Major

Owned by: Philip McClesky and Craig Wilkerson in California, USA
Breeder: Lori Evans and Joseph Buchanan

He started his conformation showing off pretty nicely. Our first dog show ever and we got BOB as a class dog! Talk about scared out of my pants… I was never prepared to go to Group my first show!!!!
Then he got his first Major in April at the Western Hound Classic. His second Major was just a couple weeks ago. He got BOB again as a class dog, and he only has 2 more points to go to get his Championship which will also make him a Dual Champion.

He has also done great in Coursing. Turning 1 in September didn’t leave him much time until the end of the year, but he still managed to be #10 Pharaoh Hound in Coursing 2015. In 2016, he’s currently 4th with a few months to go!
He was 1st of his litter mates to get his Field Championship I believe, and he’s already won Best In Field two times!!!

He’s also currently #1 Pharaoh Hound in Southern California Coursing!!!

He’s ran in Straight Racing and ASFA as well. Championships in those are soon to come!

Show Results




International Champion, CAN Champion, AKC Grand Champion, UKC Champion, DK Champion, NL Champion, LUX Champion, Belgian Champion, Swedish Champion, GER Champion, GER Club Champion, Amsterdam Winner '05+'06+'07, Eurocup Winner '06, BOB and 4th of Hound Group at Crufts 2007, LS '07, Westminster 2009 - Award of Merit 1st
ICh, AKC Ch, NL Ch, DK Ch, LuxCh, BelgCh, KBHW '04, EW'05,Landssieger '05, Jahrhundert-Sieger ‘06, Bundessieger ’06 Sovrin Superman SC CGC AKC Ch
Enigma Sovereign Journey
SwCh Antefa’s Hapi
IntCh Enigma Sophia
Enigma Sweet Heather-Bell
SwCh Antefa’s Jabbah-Kaa
IntCh Enigma Sophia
IntCh, AKC Ch, NL Ch, DK Ch, Swe Ch, Lux Ch, BS'05-'06, LS’06, JAS'06, Ger VDH Ch Katobi’s Kryptonite MC AKC DC
Qhaveat's Good Fortune SC
AKC Ch Wadjet Windwest the Wanderer
AKCCh Qhaveat Shema Heavenly Bodhi JC
Jomara's Mystic Lady Katy SC
AKC Ch Shema’s Mia Mystic Warrior
AKC Ch Shema Mia Jubilee
Ch Tiara Nekabu Triple Crown Tabu Ch Tiara Nekabu Summer of Kings Ch Jomara's Mystic Tuthmosis Ra Ch Shema's Mia Mystic Warrior
Ch Shema Mia's Jubilee
Ch Kamlyn's Way to Go Tia JC Ch Shema's Mia Mystic Warrior
Ch Kamaraj Hatsheput
Ch Tiara Nekabu Meryt Amun Ankh DC Jomara's Mystic Shesep Ankh SC Ch Shema's Mia Mystic Warrior
Ch Shema's Mia Jubilee
Ch Kamlyn's Way to Go Tia JC Ch Shema's Mia Mystic Warrior
Ch Kamaraj Hatshepsut



                                   Mrs Lori Evans - Hyannis, Massachusetts
                                   Skype Name - XODOGS
                                   US Telephone - (508) 771-7205